We are compiling a knowledge-base of information about the Video Datapad platform, and also related concepts which may be useful to people working to collect traffic data from video.


Video Datapad

What is a 'Data Provider' in Video Datapad?

A team or individual who has MP4 video files that they want to collect data from, so they can provide this validated data to their clients, or other parts of their organisation. [more]

What is an 'Enumeration Provider' in Video Datapad?

A team or individual who collects data from video for their clients. [more]

What is video enumeration?

It is simply another name for collecting data from video. [more]

How is enumeration work time calculated?

The exact formula isn't public, to avoid possible exploitation by some enumerators. [more]

Does your software count traffic automatically?

No, it enables the manual collection of data to be carried out very efficiently, even in conditions which would prevent computer vision software from working properly. [more]

How did you create Video Datapad?

We discovered Docker, and used it to 'containerize' our Python and Javascript software. [more]

Traffic Survey Types

What is a Traffic Survey?

Traffic surveys collect data about traffic volumes, patterns and behaviour for a particular area. They may involve gathering information about pedestrian traffic as well as motorised vehicles. [more]

What is a Junction Turning Count?

A junction turning count quantifies the movements of vehicles through an intersection during a certain period of time. It can be used for various purposes, most commonly for making decisions about possible improvements to a junction. [more]

What is a Roundabout Turning Count?

A roundabout turning count is similar to a junction turning count but may be larger and more complex. The aim is to count the movements of vehicles through the roundabout so that decisions regarding any possible improvements can be made. [more]

What is a Queue Length Survey?

Queue length surveys are used at junctions. They provide evidence of delays and congestion and are needed for junction improvement schemes. [more]

What is a Pedestrian Survey?

Pedestrian surveys, also known as pedestrian movement, count pedestrian volumes in certain areas. They may also include interviews to determine various factors such as trip purpose or origin and destination. [more]

What is a Non-Motorised Transport User (NMU) Survey?

A non-motorised transport user survey, collects information about pedestrians and cyclists. [more]

What is an Unmet Demand Survey?

Some UK local authorities limit the number of taxi licenses which are available in their area. They carry out Unmet Demand Surveys every three years (maximum), to defend this policy against any potential legal challenge. [more]

What is a Desire Line Survey?

These are surveys seeking to identify paths that pedestrians and cyclists would like to take if provision was made. For example, there may be several designated crossing points along a road, but a desire line survey might show that pedestrians still don't use them because they are not the most direct paths between their origin and destination. These surveys can help identify and assess whether there is appropriate provision. [more]

What is a Parking Assessment?

A parking assessment is similar to a transport assessment but is specific to parking issues. Where there is concern regarding adequate parking facilities in a centre a Local Authority may request a parking assessment as part of a planning application. [more]

What is a Car Park Survey?

A car park survey can be carried out to collect data regarding duration of stay and patterns throughout the day. It can be used to assess whether there is sufficient parking provision and to obtain information regarding charging regimes. [more]

What is a Parking Beat Survey?

Parking beat surveys were traditionally carried out by enumerators collecting half hourly or hourly parking data in order to provide information on parking trends. They can be carried out in both on-street and off-street locations. Today the use of video technology is commonly employed for data collection. [more]

What is an Origin and Destination Survey?

An origin and destination survey (or OD survey) may be carried out to determine what an area's transport needs are and to develop appropriate solutions. There are various methods used including roadside interviews, internet surveys and increasingly, ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) and radio technology. [more]

What is an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Survey?

An ANPR survey can can used for origin and destination surveys, journey time surveys and parking surveys. ANPR technology can recognise licence plates from CCTV (closed circuit television) images for uses such as these surveys and other applications such as car park management, site security and access control. [more]